Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy Gluten Free Holidays!!

It's been so long since I've updated my blog...holidays are always so busy around my house with all of our children, family, and friends--and I am not complaining at all--I love the holidays!! 

I was worried going into this holiday season though, with the new gluten free eating plans.  How was I going to find anything at all that my children would eat at my family's house?  Would all of our cookies and cakes taste like cardboard?  Luckily, with a little preparation, we were able to enjoy all of kinds of holiday goodies, and still keep the peace with our children.

I started with chocolate chip cookies, my boys' favorite.  I used the original Tollhouse Recipe and then substituted in ingredients that were gluten free.  For the flour I used King Arthur's Gluten Free All-Purpose Flour (1 1/4 c), Almond Flour (1 c.) and fresh ground Flaxseed (1/2 c.).  I also made sure that all of the other ingredients such as vanilla were gluten free also.  I added the extra 1/4 c. of flour because the first batch of cookies were a little runny and I also refrigerated the dough in between bakings.

When the cookies were done, my boys and family members couldn't get enough--they didn't even last one whole day!!  Needless to say, I think I will be baking more chocolate chip cookies this week.

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